Redemption in Indigo by Karen Lord

Redemption in Indigo by Karen Lord is an interesting type of novel. The story is based on a Senegalese folk tale with tricksters and chaos sticks and wise women both teaching and learning lessons. The book is a slim volume (less than 200 pages) and treads much of the same territory as Neil Gaiman stories, only with an African folk tale instead of European. As someone who isn’t very familiar with African folk tales, it’s a refreshing change and makes me wish I knew more mythology from other areas of the world. So, what is the book about?

Paama has left her husband Ansige, who is a fool as well as a glutton, and moved back in with her family. When Ansige comes to get her back, he only succeeds in making a bigger fool of himself and leaves empty handed. It is decided by the djombi that Paama should get the chaos stick, which has been taken from a djombi who has neglected his duty. As Paama learns about the chaos stick, the previous owner of the chaos stick comes to take it back. Its arrival will change not only Paama and her family, but he (it?) will be changed as well.

The djombi and the spider tricksters and the sisters who look out for people are an interesting and different look at folktales. Lord’s style is conversational and she tells the story like a folk storyteller, always looking to make sure the reader knows what’s happening and answering their questions before they are asked. The story is one that I’m not familiar with, but was happy reading. I’m looking forward to more stories from this author or in this style. Highly recommended.