Misc Reviews

I’ve read a few things that don’t really call out for their own full reviews. So I’ll just touch on them here. Not that I didn’t like them (although I wasn’t fond of 2 of the books), but it’s just easier than creating a new blog post to say 2-3 sentences about it. Here we go.

The Coldest War by Ian Tregillis – Sequel to Bitter Seeds(my review) which I liked, but didn’t love. I tried 2 or 3 times to get into this book, but I just kept losing interest and jumping into different stories. Not recommended, because I just didn’t care enough to read it.

Only Superhuman by Christopher L. Bennett – Superheroes in space. I got about 3 chapters in before I threw it down in disgust and laughter. Genetically modified/enhanced people fight in a space station with political ramifications. It was badly over written and felt more melodramatic than dramatic. It felt so over the top that I couldn’t read it.

Batman: City of Crime by Dave Lapham, Ramon Bachs, Nathan Massengill – Fairly well done story about the gutter that is Gotham City and how Batman tries to clean up parts while the rest falls down. Decently written by Lapham with decent art by Bachs and Massengill. Not great, but not bad. Just mediocre enough to enjoy but not necessarily recommend.

Are You My Mother by Alison Bechdel – Five years after her award winning book about her father, Fun Home (my review), Bechdel writes the memoir of her mother. But it’s mainly about Bechdel’s psychoanalysis with a couple minor bits about her mom and their complicated relationship. After the amazing story about her Dad, I was expecting more and was disappointed.