Human Target TV review

The comics based HumanTarget TV show starring Mark Valley as Christopher Chance (the Human Target), Chi McBride and Jackie Earle Haley (from Watchmen) is a dumb, action show with a lot of big action scenes and a little bit of plot. It’s not quite up to the level of Burn Notice, but it’s not horrible. Mark Valley and Chi McBride do a good job as a pair of guys who work to protect people that the police can’t or won’t. But the show is stolen by Jackie Earle Haley as the ex-con, ex-hacker who works for Chance.

The TV show is similar to the comic, but the basic premise is changed. In the comic book, Chance disguises himself as the person he is protecting, while in the TV show he just integrates himself next to the person. In this episode, he is protecting Tricia Helfer ,who is playing a transportation executive who almost died from a car bomb. Chi handles the business side and Haley is a work-for-hire digger of dirt. Chi does a great job of not knowing whether Chance is trying to save the client or kill himself. Valley handles the action parts well and isn’t horrible doing the exposition needed for the story. But Haley is the unsung star of the show.

Haley plays Guerrero, a dirt digger who can hack anywhere and knows everything. Watching Guerrero scare the two flunkies without moving a muscle is amazing. He just exudes confidence and is in charge of every situation. The show is worth watching for Haley alone, but I don’t know how long they can keep him. He’s appearing in the new Scorsese film Shutter Island and will be starring in the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. Combining that with the acclaim from Watchmen, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him make the jump to stardom soon.

Human Target is not a great show, but it’s worth watching for Jackie Earle Haley and to see if later episodes get better. Also check out the Human Target comics to see a better take on the character.