Philip K Dick in the O.C.

No, it’s not a science-fiction teen-angst mash-up, it’s a L.A. Times story on the last decade of Philip K Dick’s life, which was spent in Orange County. The story talks about his final divorce, his suicide attempt, his rehab and his move to the O.C.

Dick was an old hand at marital dissolution. Tessa had reached her breaking point, and that evening marked the beginning of what would become his fifth divorce. The author could bounce in and out of love affairs, stints in rehab and drug overdoses — all the while never losing his cool.

This time, though, the nonchalance wouldn’t last. After Powers left, Dick took 49 tablets prescribed for a heart condition, along with other pills. He slashed his wrist and sat in his car, parked in his garage, so the carbon monoxide would finish him off.

But he threw up the pills and his car stalled. The blood from his wrist clotted. After a quick stay in the hospital and two weeks in a psychiatric ward, Dick went home.

 Go read the article about one of my favorite authors. It’s a short, but interesting look into the final years of a science fiction genius.