Caprica mid season review

I really want to like Caprica. It has an interesting premise, good actors and some wonderful characters. But when they spend time on uninteresting characters who have storylines that don’t make sense, it makes it difficult to keep watching. But there is a lot of promise that the show needs to capitalize on before it’s another failed show. Let’s take a review of the show now that it’s reached it’s mid-season break.

Where the show shines is when it deals with Zoe and Daniel Greystone. All the interactions between those two are wonderful and they also do great interacting with the other characters. Sam Adama pretty much stole the first few episodes with his gay mobster portrayal, but unfortunately he disappeared later on as did his nephew Willie. The episode where Tamara found out her special powers in the cyber world was amazing, but then they did very little with her afterwords. And poor sweet Philomon. He found his true life and she’s a robot who doesn’t know her own strength.

Where the show fails is with Amanda Greystone, Sister Clarice and Joseph Adama. These characters are boring, uninteresting and take way too much time. The only time Amanda was worth watching was when she joined Daniel on the Patton Oswalt show. She seemed like a real person who had issues they were being forced to confront. Then they paired her up with Sister Clarice for one of the most boring extended scenes in recent memory. By having that take up almost half an episode, it made it a must-miss episode. And Joseph Adama is confusing. I have no idea what he wants and I’m not sure he does either. The druggy storyline didn’t work, the chase for his daughter didn’t work and his relationship with his family didn’t work. Amanda might be gone (probably not), but Sister Clarice seems to have survived and unfortunately Joseph’s cyber death didn’t translate to the real world.

I still have hope for this show. And I hope they have spent their mid-season break figuring out how to retool the show to emphasize the better parts. Otherwise the second half of season 1 will ensure that there is no season 2.