Straczynski Unplugged by J. Michael Straczynski

 Straczynski Unplugged by J. Michael Straczynski is a collection of short stories, some of which are unpublished. Most people know Straczynski from his TV series Babylon 5 or from his comic books. But this is a different side of of Straczynski’s writing and it’s an interesting view into some of his earlier stories.

If you go into this short story collection expecting standard science fiction stories (aliens, fantastic inventions, time travel, etc.), then you will be disappointed. Most of these stories are closer to Twilight Zone than Babylon 5. Many of the stories are about fantastical events or people that have a twist somewhere along the way. The quality of the stories is a bit uneven, but the writing is good for the most part. It wasn’t exactly what I expected, but it is an enjoyable set of stories. Recommended.