Maps in a Mirror by Orson Scott Card

Maps in a Mirror is a collection of previously published short stories by Orson Scott Card. While Card is mainly known for his Ender Wiggin series of books, he was a prolific short story writer before moving to novels. These stories cover science fiction, horror and even philosophy. And with 46 stories (and close to 700 pages) there’s a story in there for everyone.

My favorites are Unaccompanied Sonata, Dogwalker, Lost Boys (later made into a novel), Songmaster (later made into a book), the original novella for Ender’s Game, A Thousand Deaths and the oddly philosophical The Best Day. I find Card’s short stories to be better than many of his novels. He could have created a Harlan Ellison type career for himself if he hadn’t moved into novels. The short stories play to Card’s strengths and allow him to focus on his interesting ideas and compelling characters without having to put a whole world around it.

If you’ve only liked a few of Card’s novels, then try the short story collection. It features early version of many of his best known works and their impact is not dulled by having read the novels. Highly recommended.