Felicia Day’s new (secret) project

Felicia Day has wowed us the last few years with her self-made web series The Guild. She not only wrote, produced and starred in it, but made not one, but two amazing music videos to promote it. For the last few weeks, she’s been teasing a new mystery project that she worked on and today, she announced it.

Almost eleven months ago, my agent@georgeruiz called me and said he’d had a conversation with someone from EA/Bioware about the possibility of working together, but they weren’t sure on what. Thus started the LONG road to today, when I can announce my next project: Dragon Age Redemption.

 More information in the USA Today article about it.

[Day] has written and stars in a new Web series, Dragon Age: Redemption, based in the world of BioWare’s role-playing Dragon Age game franchise. Day’s six-episode run, due to hit the Web this year, is set in Ferelden, the same fantasy land in which 2009’s Dragon Age: Origins and the upcoming sequel Dragon Age II play out. In the Tolkienesque sword-and-sorcery adventure game, several races join forces to combat a scourge called the Darkspawn.