Torchwood Miracle Day finale review

Well, that sucked. I was very excited for the last few episodes after the great flashback episode a few weeks ago. But it ended with a whimper instead of a bang. And by a whimper, I mean Rex whining “What do I do” near the end. I’ve grown to hate Rex and the fact that they are keeping him around is sad. I feel bad for Mekhi Phifer to be saddled with a leading action role as a whining putz. His work with the doctor was wasted and the Esther relationship never seemed that interesting.

And what the hell show was Bill Pullman supposed to be in? He has a great part in a child molester who get’s freed when the death penalty doesn’t work, but then he’s saddled with pretty much idiotic plot that just kind of wanders around doing random things. He goes out with a bang, but all that means is that he can move onto a TV show where the writers know what to do with him.

Gwen and Jack were great (as always) and their parts were the only ones worth watching. I would watch a whole series of Jack’s past episodes (similar to his Angelo story). That is powerful TV. The rest of it just sucked. Given that Jack and Gwen will definitely be back for the next series (if there is one) then I will probably watch it. Hopefully they’ll figure out Rex (or kill him off quickly).