Firefly back on Cable

EW is reporting that the Science Channel has picked up reruns of Firefly and will be airing…with some extras.

The Science Channel has acquired the rights to the cult-hit and will air the series in its short-lived entirety, plus some new extras. Science Channel will wrap each episode with interstitial segments starring renowned physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, who will discuss the theoretical science behind the show’s sci-fi concepts.

The article also has a nice, brief interview with Nathon Fillion.

Firefly by Joss Whedon

Firefly was Joss Whedon’s first non-Buffy universe show and was an interesting failure. For a show that debuted to poor ratings, had episodes shown out of order and only had 11 of the 14 episodes actually air, it has quite a following. When the axe finally fell on the show, I don’t think anyone would have expected a movie showing up a few years later. And while the show did ultimately fail, it was ultimately a wonderful show that deserves a wider audience.

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DVD You Should Own – Firefly

Firefly was Joss Whedon’s 3rd TV series (after Buffy and Angel) and was the first one set in a different universe. The basic concept was a science fiction western (which was based on Whedon’s reading the book The Killer Angels), but was never appreciated by the TV executives. The episodes were aired out of order when they were not rejected. But, in an unprecedented turn of events, a TV show that was cancelled for low ratings mid-season sold so many DVDs that a feature film was created about it. What was it that made the fans so excited?

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