NOS4A2 by Joe Hill

Just so we’re all clear about this, NOS4A2 is a license plate version of Nosferatu (yes, this Nosferatu). It’s also the title of Joe Hill’s latest novel. Hill’s made himself known with his short stories, a couple of good novels and a well-regarded comic book series. But this is his first novel with an epic feel. And he succeeds somewhat, even though there are some bumps along the way. So, let’s go check it out.

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Locke and Key Volume 1 by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez

I’ve been sitting on this post for about a week now. I liked the comic Locke and Key, but wasn’t thrilled with it. I keep trying to figure out how to say I liked it, but am not that interested without making it sound like the book is bad. So I figured directly is really my only option.

I liked the book, but will probably not continue reading it. It wasn’t that it was bad. It just didn’t grab me. I didn’t feel engaged with any of the characters and the first 2-3 issues left me confused. The last few issues were better, but by that time I had pretty much checked out. If you like horror comics, give this series a try.

Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill

After reading and enjoying Horns, I decided to give Joe Hill’s first novel, Heart-Shaped Box, a read. Not to spoil the review, but I enjoyed Heart-Shaped Box, but still like Horns better. I think Hill is probably one of the better horror writers around right now and I’m excited to read new stories from him. I might check out his Locke and Key series next. So, let’s see what’s in the box.
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Horns by Joe Hill

Since his debut novel (Heart-Shaped Box), Joe Hill has been hailed as a talented writer with some entertaining novels. The fact that he was Stephen King’s son just added to his aura. Since I’ve not been a fan of King’s later work, I was a little hesitant to jump on the Joe Hill bandwagon. But I decided to grab his latest book (Horns) and see what I thought. And I was pleasantly surprised. While the book did have some faults and was obviously influenced by Stephen King, it was a solid novel that had some really good parts. Let’s see who has the Horns.

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