Chronic City Review

Lethem moves back to New York for Chronic City, his newest novel. It’s a wild ride through real and imaginary landscapes, where a virtual reality game prize becomes a object or worship in the real world and where a dying fiancee in space both ties the main character down and sets him free. And it’s a tour through the magic of New York in a search for reality.
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Jonathan Lethem Retrospective part 2

Continuing from part 1 with Jonathan Lethem. We’re now in his later phases with his books being more mainstream (or possibly urban fantasy like Jonathan Carroll). These books are just as good (if not better) than his earlier novels and garner many more awards, including a MacArther Fellowship.

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Jonathan Lethem Retrospective part 1

As I finish reading Chronic City, I wonder how Jonathan Lethem, whose first book Gun With Occasional Music was pure science fiction, has moved so far away from it. He seems to be the anti Michael Chabon, who has moved from pure fiction to genre work. So, I thought I’d go back over his books and see where he switched from genre writing to mainstream fiction.
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