The Lost Gate by Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card has pretty much made his career writing about amazing kids in space, in America, in Europe and in the future. So, it’s absolutely no surprise that his newest book, The Lost Gate, is about an amazing kid from a family of gods. Card has written magic before in his Seventh Son series, but this is more of mythology based than that series. It is fairly reminiscent of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, but with a slightly different focus. So, let’s go find that gate.

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Ilium by Dan Simmons

Ilium by Dan Simmons (author of Drood and Hyperion) is a re-imagining of the Iliad (not quite at the same level as The Lost Books of the Odyssey) mixed with a story of robotic-organic creatures, the Wandering Jew, Odysseus, a bunch of zeks and did I mention the Trojan War is happening on Mars. It is a bold, exciting book that only Dan Simmons could have written.

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The lost books of the Odyssey by Zachary Mason

The lost books of the Odyssey by Zachary Mason is more a set of vignettes than a proper novel. But it is not something to be approached lightly. It hearkens back to the days of oral story telling where each recitation could be different. The book challenges us to look at Odysseus, his travels and shows us differing versions of the same story while staying true to The Odyssey. It is a book Homer would have loved.

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