REAMDE by Neal Stephenson

There’s this rumor going around that Neal Stephenson is a science fiction writer. Well, you couldn’t tell it from his latest book, REAMDE. The book has a lot in common with the two novels that Stephenson wrote with his uncle, Cobweb and Interface (my review). Like those two books, this book is a thriller with some interesting cultural and science related topics. It still has the trademark Stephenson digressions, but more about the history of the characters than esoteric scientific/historical concepts. So, let’s see what REAMDE is about.

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Mr. Timothy by Louis Bayard

Mr. Timothy by Louis Bayard is a Dickensian mystery thriller with a familiar narrator in a Victorian setting. The novel follows from previous stories in a way that makes sense and has an engaging mystery. Louis Bayard has created an interesting novel that takes it’s time getting going, but finishes with a bang of action and several twists and unexpected turns.

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Daemon review

Daemon by Daniel Suarez (first self-published under the name Leinad Zeraus which is Daniel Suarez backwards) is mentioned as a techno-thriller in the vein of a young Tom Clancy. But, it’s really a bad mashup of the movies Eagle Eye and Stay Alive, about a game designer who decided to move his game into the real world.
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