The Guild Online Series

Felicia Day is known mainly for her work with Joss Whedon (Buffy Season 7, Dollhouse and of course Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog), but she wasn’t happy with the roles available for her. So she decided that the best way to rectify that problem was to create her own series. Knowing that it was unlikely that she could get a network to fund her, she decided to do her own web series. Drawing on her experience with playing online games (such as World of Warcraft), Day decided to create a web series about a group of lovable losers who are in a Guild in an online game. So, what is the Guild about?

Felicia Day plays Codex(Cyd Sherman), a neurotic musician who is a member of the The Knights of Good, a guild within a massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORG). She is joined by her 5 guildmates and hijinks ensue as a bunch of…basically losers, try to survive in the game and in real life as well. Sandeep Parikh plays Zaboo, a Hinjew (half Indian, half Jewish) genius misfit who is in love with Codex. Jeff Lewis plays Vork, the straight, cheap (frugal?) rule enforcing leader of the guild. The team is rounded out with Bladezz (a teenager who’s always causing issues), Tinkerballa (a single woman who wants nothing to do with the other guildmembers personally) and Clara (a stay at home mom who cheerfully ignores her real life family to play with her online family). Wil Wheaton has guest starred in the last couple seasons as Fawkes, the leader of an opposing (vicious and evil) guild who has a odd relationship with Codex.

For anyone who’s played an online game, this is a wonderful series that gently pokes fun at the people who play the games while showing how the game does a good job of bringing people together. Overall it’s a funny and well done series that deserves all the praise it has received. The latest season (Season 4) just came out on DVD and you can catch up on all the seasons via DVD or online. Do your part to support this wonderful online series. It’s a great series in an unconventional medium. Highly recommended.