Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog review

I was re-watching Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog today when I suddenly realized that I had never reviewed it. Conceived and filmed during the 2007-2008 Writer’s strike by Joss Whedon, his two brother’s (Zach and Jed) and Jed’s wife Maurissa Tancharoen, the show came out during the summer of 2008 to rave reviews and a fresh eye towards online video. Possibly (I vaguely remember Whedon discussing it when it came out) influenced by Felicia Day’s first season of The Guild, the Whedon family wanted to do something online that would have higher production values. Bringing in Neil Patrick Harris and several people that Joss Whedon had previously worked with (including Felicia Day and Nathan Fillion) and created a funny, musical superhero love story. So, what exactly is Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog?

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Season 5 of The Guild starts today (7/26/11)

If you have access to Xbox LIVE on the Zune video Marketplace or MSN Video, then you can catch the premiere of season 5 of The Guild today (July 26, 2011). If you don’t have access, then you will need to wait a little while longer (Thursday I believe).

Why are you still reading this? Go watch The Guild.

Link to Zune: http://social.zune.net/tv/episode/The-Guild/Road-Trip!/4c9c4317-09ec-44ca-aa65-b5d341cf6f82

The Guild Season 5

The Guild announced the premiere of their new season:

Season five of The Guild will return to Xbox LIVE on the Zune video Marketplace and MSN Video on Tuesday, July 26, sponsored by Microsoft and Sprint. Picking up where season four left off, season five takes the Guild members out from behind their computers and throws them into the real world like the show has never seen before, with new locations, guest stars, celebrity cameos and more!

 Two more weeks and we’ll have some more Guild!!

The Guild Online Series

Felicia Day is known mainly for her work with Joss Whedon (Buffy Season 7, Dollhouse and of course Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog), but she wasn’t happy with the roles available for her. So she decided that the best way to rectify that problem was to create her own series. Knowing that it was unlikely that she could get a network to fund her, she decided to do her own web series. Drawing on her experience with playing online games (such as World of Warcraft), Day decided to create a web series about a group of lovable losers who are in a Guild in an online game. So, what is the Guild about?

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