Once Upon a Time Pilot review

So, the first of the fairy tale shows has started this season, with Grimm up to bat on Friday. I’ve been curious on how they will handle fairy tale characters in a real-life setting without making it too much like Fables. The pilot wasn’t bad and there were parts that kept my interest, so I’m definitely going to check it out for the next few weeks to see how they continue the show. Let’s see what happened.

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The Middleman TV show review

Even in this hyper-connected age, it’s possible for a quirky, yet interesting show to pop up and disappear before your even aware that it existed. That’s what happened to me with the show The Middleman. Based on a comic book series by Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Les McClaine, it was a fun twist on Men in Black with a secret agency and fighting monsters. It ran on ABC Family, not exactly the hotspot for quirky science fiction programming, for 12 episodes before it disappeared. So, let’s check it out and see who is The Middleman.

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Dr. Who Series 6 Finale (and season overview)

The season is finally over. It was a convoluted season with a lot more misses than hits, but the central mystery from the beginning of the season was about why did the Doctor have to die (along with who was in the astronaut suit). The finale brought us the answers as well as setting the stage for the next season. So, let’s journey along and see what happened (spoilers ahead).

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Alphas season 1 review

Now that season 1 of Alphas is finally done, let’s take a look back at the premiere season and see what was good and what was not so good. Overall I’m happy because it was a decent show AND it was renewed. But I think there is still a lot of room to improve. So, what happened on the show and what does the future look like? Spoilers ahead, so watch the full season before reviewing.

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Terra Nova review

After 2+ years of development, the pilot of Terra Nova finally was shown to a profound “meh”. It was a mediocre family drama with some nice special effects. The show wasn’t so bad that I’m going to avoid it, but will probably watch another 1-2 episodes to see if it gets any better. But, based off last night’s episode, I’m not counting on it. So, let’s check in and see what happened and where(when) is Terra Nova.

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Torchwood Miracle Day finale review

Well, that sucked. I was very excited for the last few episodes after the great flashback episode a few weeks ago. But it ended with a whimper instead of a bang. And by a whimper, I mean Rex whining “What do I do” near the end. I’ve grown to hate Rex and the fact that they are keeping him around is sad. I feel bad for Mekhi Phifer to be saddled with a leading action role as a whining putz. His work with the doctor was wasted and the Esther relationship never seemed that interesting.

And what the hell show was Bill Pullman supposed to be in? He has a great part in a child molester who get’s freed when the death penalty doesn’t work, but then he’s saddled with pretty much idiotic plot that just kind of wanders around doing random things. He goes out with a bang, but all that means is that he can move onto a TV show where the writers know what to do with him.

Gwen and Jack were great (as always) and their parts were the only ones worth watching. I would watch a whole series of Jack’s past episodes (similar to his Angelo story). That is powerful TV. The rest of it just sucked. Given that Jack and Gwen will definitely be back for the next series (if there is one) then I will probably watch it. Hopefully they’ll figure out Rex (or kill him off quickly).

Catching up on Torchwood: Miracle Day

I came here to bury Torchwood: Miracle Day and explain to you why it was sucking and how I was probably not going to be watching any more. Then a funny thing happened. The last episode was easily the best episode of the season and it actually kicked the plot forward (by going backwards). This last episode restored my faith in the show enough that I’m willing to stick around for the last 3 episodes. So, let’s revisit what’s gone wrong this season and what went right this last episode:

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Falling Skies show finale and overview

Not that season one of Falling Skies is over, let’s take a look back and see what was good and bad about the series. As I mentioned in the review of the pilot, there is nothing very new or exciting about the show, but the story was handled well (far better than the V reboot). The only highlights from the pilot were Noah Wylie and John Pope, so let’s see how the series worked as a full season. (Spoilers ahoy. Don’t read further if you haven’t seen the finale).

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